Rod Lamborn: The Crystalline Image is set to follow Split Images and
will open on May 3, with an opening reception from 5:30 – 7 p.m. that
evening. This is a chance to meet the artist, as well as to visit with your
Monterey neighbors and friends. And don't forget the snacks that are
provided for your enjoyment!
Lamborn, who lives in New York City, began to spend more time in
Monterey, where he has family, during the Pandemic. His early career
as a cinematographer took him to conflict zones –Chechnya, East
Congo, Liberia, and Afghanistan, from which he and his work emerged
“as a testament to the power of storytelling.” His current project
evokes landscape, with time, space, and light, “captured in a single
In addition to the opening reception, Lamborn plans a special event,
which is “a sound bath activation” that will take place at the library
during off-hours, when the library would otherwise be closed “to allow
for an uninterrupted visualization journey.”
A facilitator who works for Kripalu will perform a sound journey.
Participants will bring their own yoga mats and blankets, and will be
invited to lie down for the experience. Lamborn will present briefly to
prepare for the experience with the facilitator. Group shares and
journaling will follow. (Check May issue of Monterey News or the
Library website for the date!)
Lamborn asserts that “This is truly in the spirit of how I have been
presenting my work through moments of a relaxed mental state. It’s
Please join us for the opening reception of The Crystalline Image on the
3 rd of May,